Friday, March 8, 2013

The Trouble With Bushes: Prologe

There was a hop,
a skip,
and then finally,
a jump.
Finally! Freedom from that dark, dingey hole I called "home". I stopped on top of a hill to admire the views, the expansive meadow glowing with the sunrise reflecting off the early morning dew, and streched my legs. Today was going to be a good day, I could feel it.
Maybe i'd find a new place to call home, perhaps somewhere not constantly damp and prone to cave-ins.
Maybe i'd stumble upon some cool treasures, like a hidden waterfall or some buried gems.
OOOH! OOOH! Maybe i'd find a new freind! Yeah! That would be cool, I could use a freind to go through the day with.

With my mission clear, I turned my nose to the air and sniffed for a sign of life.
Wait.... BERRY?? Oh wow, it's been a long time since i've smelled that sweet aroma. Not since.... the fire. Poor Hilbert didn't stand a chance, his Mulberries just adding fuel to the flames engulfing his branches. It was a dark day for all of us, a day i will never forget....
But these berries smelled different, They didn't have that Hilbert-musk to them, they smelled more... sweet, perhaps even sugary. They smelled like freindship and fun, two things I sorely needed. I sniffed the air again and spotted the bushes a short hop down the hill and charged head-on toward them.
"BERRIES!!!" I squealed as I jumped between two of the bushes and grabbed a couple berries in each paw, staining them a slight redish color. I savored their scent for a short while, but couldn't contain my antisipation for long, and plunged them into my mouth with a gasp. "Mmmmmmmm....." I moaned, "Delicious. I shall call you Peter, and we will be the best of-- URK!" Something wasn't right: where there was once sweet goodness, there now only sat the painful burn of poison. I tried to spit out what was left, but it was already too late, the berry bombs were already on their way through my body, sending horrible cramps and pains throughout.
"I....I trusted you, Peter!" I shouted, "You were the chosen one! We were going to be best friends! And within a minute of meeting you, you already tried to kill me." A tear formed at the corner of my eye at such betrayal, it was just so unexpected. "You're not going to get away with this...." I yelled, but Peter just stared at me and watched me writh in agony as his evil fruits worked havoc on my stomach.

I started crawling for him to attempt retrubution, but passed out before I could, feeling him laugh at having won the battle.
But the war, my freind, had just begun.

(Can't spell check, so sorry. Darn you, Internet Explorer!!!)

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