Thursday, March 7, 2013

Declaration of Intent

I, "Cornelius", do hereby agree to utilize this blog and it's associated gadgets, gizmos, widgets, and doo-hickies for the expressed purposes of:
~Displaying photographs
~Informing the reluctant masses of what strange holidays may be being observed each day, and what they may do to please the holiday gods
~Giving a view into the strange land that is my mind, though the ancient art of sporadic storytelling and random ramblings
~Giving myself yet another place to procrastinate and get lost amongst the endless hordes of websites
~Staying sane (I mean, if you could call it that)

During the duration of my quest, I solemnly swear to keep up the illusion of class and interestingness by never revealing my true form or the forms of my colleagues, and keeping the nature of this blog clean and humorous for all to enjoy.
If I deviate from this rules or forget my task at any time, I hereby agree to accept all repercussions, real and imagined, for my lack of control and utter disregard for the safety and well-being of all who may look upon the contents of this page.


In addition, by reading this declaration and the ensuing content of this blog, you, the reader, agree to take everything I, "Cornelius", say with a grain of salt and never take it too seriously unless I declare you must otherwise. You agree that if the situation arises that you feel your thoughts about my mission must be heard, you will undertake the same rules for maintaining class and good will that I must, for my sake and the sake of the blog. If you, the Reader, fail to follow these simple guidelines until I declare you are allowed to do so, you agree to accept that I, "Cornelius", will forever and always glare at and think angry thoughts whenever I see your name or likeness in the presence of this establishment, and you will seek no revenge for such (but you may gladly attempt to right your wrongs. I am a forgiving soul after all.)

Thank you for reading and agreeing to this declaration, and have a pleasant day.

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