Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Games to Play In Forrests

I made a meme, LOL
It was dark.
The night was reaching its apex, the only source of light coming from the bright and full moon.
There were trees everywhere, since it was a forrest and they usually contain trees and such.You spot a cabin off in the distance, with a faint yellow light glowing outside it.
You decide to approach it, since, well, you have nowhere else to go considering you're in a FORREST at NIGHT. Idiot.
As you get closer, you realize that the light was a little flame in a lantern hanging outside the cabin door. You take the lantern and look around the outside front of the cabin a bit, looking for a sign of life, the only one of which is a mosquito buzzing in your ear and trying to get to the flame. You swat it and it leaves you alone, like nature intended.
It's pretty darn cold out, and there is nothing else to do, so you decide to enter the cabin. You approach the door and open it slowly, uttering a shy "...hello?" as you do so. No response emits from the dark insides of the cabin. You open the door fully and step inside, swinging the lantern to the left side to look for a light switch. You find one and flick it on, filling the small cabin with light. But, you soon realize as you turn to fce forward again, there is nothing in the cabin but another door in the center of it's one, rectangular room. You close the door you came in from, and it locks behind you and the lights all shut off, except for one over the door directly. Perplexed and now trapped, you hear your mother's advice echo in your head "Forrest? What's there in the forrest? Nothing but bears and ax murderers, I tell ya! Just like your father!"
The illuminated door bekons to you to open it, and you swear it wispers exactly that to you.....in a seductive voice..... like the one of that one girl you met in---
The cold. It is getting to you, clearly. See what happens when you make rash decions? You are totally going to be stuck here. Foreeeeeeverrrrrr......
"SHUT UP!" you yell to absoultely nothing, except maybe the door, which you think looks sad now. I'm just a narrator, I don't exist, so stop trying to yell at me, lest you want to end up in the basement you can't see that is directly bellow you and filled with things you don't know the half about. I can do that you know.
"Fine." you harumph to nothing yet again, and approach this new door. You open it slowly again, and as soon as you do, you realize you are in yet another room with just a door in it. You go through that one too, and the same thing happens.
Same with the next one
and the next one
and the next one
and the next one
and the next one
and the next one
and the next one
and even the next one after that.
You try to go backwards, but all the doors lock right as you enter, so you can't. You are trapped in limbo, sprinting through doors forever like some obsessed mouse in a linear maze.
Just running through door, after door, after door, after door.

Should have listened to your mother: nothing good ever comes from forrests.

(Sporadic story I thought of. Don't know what to say other than that. Is it badly written? yes. Is it still kinda entertaining anyway? Yes. So there, my job is done.)
((Boy, that would suck though, to be trapped in limbo like that. Door after door after door leading to more doors. That'd drive anyone insane. Maybe you'd even try to befriend the door, get it to let you out. But of course, it is a door, it cannot do anything but open and close to a room.))

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